Men's Ministry

At Central Christian we have Journeymen (a men’s bible study) group.

It meets on Tuesday mornings from 7 – 8 a.m. and averages 10-12 men and is lead by leaders in the group.

We meet in the Connection Café (West Entrance) and both groups follow the same basic guidelines:

  • We start on time
  • We end on time
  • We open and close with prayer
  • We ground our study in the scripture text from the preceding Sunday worship
  • We are all seekers on the journey toward wisdom and accept anyone wherever he is on his journey
  • Oh, and we value coffee!!!

 Here’s what some of our guys are saying about Journeymen:

 “I am grateful that it is a study that gets down to the basic meaning of the scripture.”

 “I have a much greater understanding of the true meanings of the scriptures and the modern day locations of the biblical cities.”

 “I enjoy the camaraderie with other great Christian men.”

 “I appreciate the fellowship with men who seek to increase their wisdom through the study of God’s Word.”

 “Journeymen helps me understand the bible better and to have historical perspective.  I enjoy looking at what a passage or parable means in the context of the times.”