
Showing items filed under “Melinda McDonald”

A Note of Deep Thanks

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WOW! That’s an interjection, one of the eight parts of speech. “Impressive” could be substituted for wow.  Central, you have impressed me with your gracious and generous hospitality from the search committee members to Michael to Vicky to all of you who have reached out in a personal way to assist me in my first days/weeks of being here. You have honored me with such a grand welcome. Thank you! I will send a longer note of appreciation for next week’s edition of the midweek. You have shown God’s grace to me.  I appreciate your hospitality! And now… we begin our lives together as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

With joy and gratitude,

Rev. Melinda


Posted by Melinda McDonald with

Together Life: Working with One Another in Community

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Rev. Melinda is delighted to begin our life together with a course on what it means to be community and how best to function as co-listeners to God and each other.  The book, LIFE TOGETHER, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer is highly recommended for our three-week course beginning  Tuesday evening, 4/30, 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm. We will have Communion our last   session.  Come, even if you don't have a book, please. We have ordered ten copies for the church.  Or you can purchase your own copy on Amazon.  You may need to bring your own journals, but session outlines for each  session will be given.  Please sign up with your name, email address, and phone number in the Welcome Center/Great Hall.  Or you may email Melinda directly at:  Please indicate if you will order the book on your own or want to purchase one of the books the church has purchased.


Posted by Melinda McDonald with

Hello from Melinda!

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 Hello, Friends!

A year ago, I had no idea that I would be here – at Central – getting to serve God alongside you all (note I say you all, not y’all even though I hail from the South. I had no idea that my dream ministry position would ever come my way – to be an associate pastor for spiritual formation and pastoral care.


But what I did know, then and now… God calls us to new life in Christ – every day, not just in one season, but for all the seasons of our lives. The question is: will we be open and respond to that new life?


I am impressed with how God’s Spirit has shown up in my life, time and time again. The fact that I am getting to be with you, beginning in the Easter season, the season of New Life, is fitting for all of us.


Jesus has called us friends… from John 15:15, we hear, 15 I do not call you    servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is  doing, but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.


I love people, I love sharing good things with people, and I love nurturing others. And, once you are in my heart, it is for always. I hope you will consider me your friend!

                           - Rev. Melinda

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