CCC Blog

Something to Think About – What is Prayer?

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Having completed our August worship focus on Red-Letter words of Jesus in the Gospel of John, we now turn our attention to Prayer during the month of September.  In late Spring, we shared with you five (5) faith practices during one of our services.  They were: attending Sunday worship, reading/studying the bible, praying, giving (material generosity), and fellowship (developing Christian friendships). You were asked to choose the two (2) you believed you needed to emphasize more in your day-to-day living. The two that were highlighted most – and by a wide margin – were prayer and reading/studying the Word.  Thus, our focus this month of prayer.


Each Sunday, the sermons will be on some aspect of prayer.  Each will center on a particular question and a biblical figure (story) that helps us answer it.  Additionally, there are two (2) more ways you can take part in things which can help strengthen your prayer life:


-      You can attend Pastor Melinda’s 3-week small group on prayer practices

Tuesday 9/3             5:30 – 6:30                  Breath prayer

Monday 9/9              5:30 – 6:30                  Prayer walking

Monday 9/16            5:30 – 6:30                  Letter-writing prayers


-       You can follow the 30 Days of Prayer pamphlet Pastor Vicky made available this past Sunday.  If you need a copy, contact and we will send you one. 


I also wish to thank you for filling out the Survey on Prayer made available over the past two weeks.  We’ve received nearly 50 responses, with an even number of you filling it out online as opposed to a paper copy.  I will be sharing your answers to the survey questions (without mentioning specific names) throughout the month.  But I wish to thank you here, in advance, for what you shared.  In that survey, you were honest and vulnerable, and I believe that by sharing your responses, you will be able to help one another – albeit indirectly – in ways that could not otherwise be experienced.  Here is what you can expect week to week:


Week 1 (9/1)

Question                                What is prayer?

Scripture                                Luke 1:46-55                        Mary Magnificat



Week 2 (9/8)

Question                                To whom do I pray?               

Scripture                                Jonah 2:1-9                           John in the belly of the fish



Week 3 (9/15)

Question                                When do I pray / What do I pray for?

Scripture                                Exodus 14:10-14                 Israelites escaping Egyptians



Week 4 (9/22)                       

Question                                What does it look like when I’m praying?

Scripture                                Psalm 51                              Prayer of Confession



Week 5 (9/29)

Question                                What if I pray and nothing happens?

                                               What if I don’t get what I pray for?

Scripture                                Job 1:20-22                           Job’s explanation


                                                                        Blessings– Michael

Posted by Michael Karunas with

One-sided Coins Have No Value

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At least I think they don’t.  I haven’t tried paying with one, but I’m pretty confident it wouldn’t be accepted.  Granted, with the world become increasingly cash-less, neither will two-sided coins in the not-too-distant future.  Even gas station convenience stores have abandoned the “Need-a-penny, take-a-penny / Have-a-penny, leave-a-penny” cups by the cash register.  Value-less one-sided coins applies to spiritual things as well.  


When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, he said it was actually two (or one commandment in two parts).  Love God and love your neighbor.  Two sides of the same commandment coin.  There is no spiritual value without them both.  To love God is, in fact, to love others.  It is impossible, even, to truly love God without turning outward in love toward those around us.


Examples of this both pre-date and post-date Jesus.  Isaiah said in the Old Testament, “…You fast only to quarrel and to fight and to strike with a wicked fist” (Isaiah 58:4).  (My paraphrase: “You confess your love for God during worship, only to turn on your neighbor in violence when worship is over”).  And the Letter of James put it this way: “With the tongue, we both bless the Lord, and with it we curse those who are made in the image of God” (James 3:9).


Many well-meaning Christians, in pursuit of the first part, have forgotten the B side.  In their efforts to love God, they have not loved their neighbor. Which begs the question – based on Jesus’ teaching – “How authentic is our love of God, if it is not accompanied by a love of others?”  Our love of God will forever be incomplete until we are willing to love others with the same desire and intensity with which we love God.  Without an authentic love of others, our love of God simply won’t make sense (cents?).  


                                                        Blessings – Michael    

Posted by Michael Karunas with

A Path Forward

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I’ve always known there were addiction issues in my family of origin.  My father didn’t share much about his upbringing or his relationship with his father, but I knew my grandfather was a heavy drinker for many decades of his life.  Somehow, he stopped around the time I was born, so I never new him as anything but sober.  But I’ve always felt there was more my father could have told me about his feelings regarding his own father than he ever did.  My father himself battled weight issues his whole life (keeping weight off), and I have two close family members who have struggled with eating disorders (keeping weight on).  Another relative has dealt with addiction to narcotics.  And I myself have always had my own compulsions.  For a few years in my early 20s, I was a pretty heavy smoker.  When I stopped smoking, I switched back to dipping smokeless tobacco more for several more years – a habit I picked up in college.  I am still pretty compulsive about (or addicted to) exercise.  And for many decades I was a social drinker.  But over in the last several years, as I have examined my own personal life – and who I am as a member of my wider family - I decided to cut alcohol out of my lifestyle completely.  That has not stopped me, however, from continuing think about – and read about –  addictions in general (and alcohol in particular).  Addiction is a common theme in the conversations I have with the therapist I see (virtually) every month.

While I understand that each situation involving addiction is different, and while I don’t pretend to be an expert, I do believe that all addictions are relationship substitutes of some sort.  That is, something is missing in the addict’s life which is most likely causing pain and hurt.  Whatever it is that is missing and/or causing hurt and pain is also most likely emotional in nature.  We’ve been hurt or traumatized by some relationship – or we’re not getting relationally what we’re really longing for in a place deep inside us – and so we soothe the hurt, pain, or emptiness from something else – drugs and alcohol are the easy ones to recognize, but exercise can also be where we turn.  So can seeking to control others, or even denying our own comfort to serve the comfort needs of others.  All can be substitutes for the real relational healing we need at our most basic level.

And I have come to have great compassion and empathy for those battling addictions.  James 1 implies that temptations are things we can all face and are things we may spend our whole life learning to endure.  And that bears out in

the statistics.  Neil Anderson, in his book Freedom from Addiction, cites that the majority of alcoholics don’t drink every day.  In other

words, they may come across as highly functioning in may ways, but their alcohol use is disrupting their life.  Furthermore, 15 million Americans report as being alcoholics, of which 25% are teenagers and 33% are also active in their local church.  I have learned – over the last several years – to say more boldly than I ever have before, “There is no shame in addiction (whatever it may be).”  The mind often convinces the addict that no one is like them; that they are    special in this regard and have to handle their problems alone (that no one could understand them).  This is a lie, because all it is does is further drive the addict away from the relationships the addiction is taking the place of in the first place! 

All that is to say that when I came back from my month off in July, I received  information from Alcoholics Anonymous in the mail.  It shared the weekly schedule of all AA meetings in and around our area.  That mailing from AA sat on my desk all week as I prepared the message for this past Sunday – a message in which I spoke about how the path forward may be right in front of us, but without divine help, we may not recognize it for what it is.  I took it as a sign to share these words with you here.  If you – or someone you love – is battling an addiction of whatever kind, please know that I, your pastor, am here for you.  I will not judge you.  And I will offer you whatever support I can.  

Blessings – Michael

Posted by Michael Karunas with

Grief and Hope

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I wasn’t expecting to be moved like I was when I visited the memorial to 9/11 in lower Manhattan last month.  The memorial wasn’t even the focal feature of our trip, and we only viewed the outside portion of the memorial complex without visiting the museum adjacent to it.  But after walking the Brooklyn Bridge and continuing on past Wall Street to Battery Park, walking northward to the 9/11 memorial on the way back to our hotel near Times Square seemed like a logical “next step.”  

If you have not visited the memorial (and as you can see from the picture), it consists of a rectangular hole in the ground spanning the exact footprint of the original building  (there are actually two identical memorials – one for each building – but as one of them was being repaired, we were only able to stand before one).  At the center of that hole in the ground is another hole – the bottom of which is not visible from any vantage point around the perimeter.  It is an abyss – dark, stark and hollow. Water then runs down the walls of the larger hole, across its floor and then again down into the abyss, as if pulled relentlessly and inevitably into darkness.  Regularly and rhythmically the water flows from light into darkness – over and over again, without pause or hesitation, while we – the onlookers – watch; intimately close and yet at the same time impossibly and helplessly far away.  The way the water falls, passing over the descending walls and reflected by the sunlight, creates a lattice effect, reminiscent of the twin towers’ original construction.  And all along the outside of that massive hole in the ground are etched the names of all who lost their lives because of what happened there that day.  

What struck me most was how this was exactly the kind of memorial that symbolizes grief – whether the grief associated with that day or the grief any one of us experiences when the equivalent of the twin towers in our own lives have come crashing down.  Grief feels like an abyss; a chasm – an empty void of nothingness.  Like a a giant hole has been ripped into your life because something or someone you love very greatly has been ripped out of it.  And all you can do is watch – seemingly helpless – as though you were an onlooker standing far off, outside yourself, as tears – the waters of the heart - fall relentlessly into a nothingness the bottom of which you will never reach.  Maybe the hardest thing about grief – and what, in fact, makes grief what it is – is the out-of-control-ness of it all.  Sometimes you can’t stop the tears from flowing, because you can’t stop the hole in your heart and your life from being there.  Nothing you could have done changes the fact that the hole is there – and nothing you can do now is going to make it go away.  And its size will always be in direct proportion to the size of the thing you lost that isn’t coming back.

And yet we are never helpless.  We may not be in control of the flow of tears nor the place that hole in the world now occupies and all that it represents.  But we are in control of something.  We are not helpless onlookers and too-distant passersby.  We can do something.  We can remember what was lost.  We can recall their names; the names of those things and those ones swallowed by that hole.  Hannah Arendt said that what makes us who we are are two things – the fact that we have a body and the fact that we have a name.  The body represents our physicality.  The name signifies our soul.  When the body is no longer with us, we can remember the name – the soul that never dies nor swallowed by an abyss or chasm no matter how strong the pull toward it may be.  

And perhaps this helps us move forward.  Because that is also something we can do.  We can build a new life – around and alongside the void grief causes – a life that acknowledges the pain of what has happened without being held captive by it.  You see right next to the 9/11 memorial is a new tower; One World Trade Center.  It doesn’t take the place of the two that came down 23 years ago.  Nor does it look exactly like them.  But it is tall.  It is majestic.  And it is a reminder that not even the worst of our losses need prevent us experiencing a future in front of us.  

Grief and hope.  They forever exist side by side.  Maybe they are forever meant to.  Which is what I love best about the 9/11 memorial.  It depicts this side-by-side nature of grief and hope.  All around the memorial are signs of progress and productivity; future possibility and hope.  But here, in this garden concrete, steel and water, we allow ourselves to grieve.  We acknowledge – and do not run from – the reality of grief in our lives so that we don’t one day get swallowed up by it. 

As I stood there, mesmerized by the water running into that abyss, I didn’t grieve for the names etched in metal before me.  Nor did I simply grieve for all that happened on 9/11; all that led up to it and all that has resulted from it.  But I grieved.  And the memorial allowed that grief to find its rightful voice and expression – even for just as few moments.    

                                                        Blessings – Michael 

Posted by Michael Karunas with

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