Lenten Sermon Series - Storylines

Storylines are the important points that keep us focused on the story as it is being told. They keep us from being distracted by the things that are less important and more confusing. The Gospel is the story of salvation as told through Jesus. During his ministry, he told his followers many parables – or stories – as way of teaching them that Gospel. This year during Lent, we will focus on six (6) of Jesus’ parables. Some of them will likely be familiar. Others may not be. But together they serve to keep us focused on what matters most in our following Jesus and aligning the lives we live with the Gospel. Our theme for season will be “We become the stories we tell ourselves. But we are saved by the story God tells us.”
March 9 —— Luke 12:13-21------------Parable of the Bigger Barns
March 16 —- Luke 15:11-32------------Parable of the Prodigal Son
March 23 —- Matthew 13:24-30-------Parable of the Weeds and Wheat
March 30 —- Luke 15:1-10-------------Parable of the Lost Coin and the Lost Sheep
April 6 ——-- Matthew 18:23-35------Parable of the Two Servants
April 13 —— Luke 10:25-37-----------Parable of the Good Samaritan