
in Youth

Ministering to our college students...

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Central is looking for help to show our support to the college students from our church.  There are a number of ways to help minister to these students:

  • Please share updated mailing addresses for your college students.
  • We’re looking for donations of gift cards or small food packages (nonperishable items) to put in care packages with other items.
  • We need volunteers to assemble these care packages to send out to the students.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer in some fashion, please reach out to David Martin or Gretchen Kirby.

Caring For Our Church Family at DMH and HSHS

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We strive to provide spiritual support for our church family members who are in the area hospitals daily. Our office staff call both Decatur hospitals every day to see who has been admitted, and if you have told the hospitals that your church is Central Christian Church, they will let us know that you are a patient, and we will try to have someone reach out to you, whether that’s a pastor, elder, or a member of our wonderful Hospital Caller/Visitation team.

Both hospitals have software that allows their staff to tell us if our people are there, but both hospitals have had problems lately. If you will be or are currently hospitalized at either hospital, please let us know or have a family member contact us to let us know that you are there so that we can reach out to you.

At this time, neither hospital has an estimated date for when their software will be fully operational again.

Oh, and PS… please make sure that your hospital knows that Central Christian Church is your church home (or they won’t know to tell us you’re there).

Thank you for helping us minister to you and your family!

(image by Martha Dominguez on Unsplash)

2nd Monday Good Samaritan Volunteering

The second Monday of each month, volunteers from CCC help prepare and serve lunch at Good Samaritan Inn.  Shifts to work are 9:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. to prepare and 11:30a.m. - 1:30p.m. to serve (standing for 2 hrs). It's very rewarding work and much appreciated.  If this appeals  to you and you have the time to give, call or text Judy Ford or contact the church office.

Posted by Judy Ford with

Pocket Prayer Shawls available

Our Prayer Shawl ministry has created some beautiful pocket prayer shawls and made them available to anyone who would like one. If you know of  someone going through a difficult time, please also feel free to take one for them. Thank you, ladies!