
in Dorcas

Dorcas Bingo & Ice Cream Social 2024 News

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A BIG THANK YOU to all those women who had planned to help Dorcas Disciples host our annual Bingo/Ice Cream Social at Randall Residence on Tuesday, July 16th. A widespread power outage affected the facility for many hours so we had to cancel the event.


Instead of trying to schedule another Social this summer, our bingo prize bags, with attached “Blessings from Central Christian Church women”, will be delivered to Randall staff so they may be distributed to residents at staff discretion.


We look forward to our new program year beginning with a fun “Back to School with Dorcas” mixer in September. Watch for upcoming details!

- Dorcas Disciples Planning Committee

Posted by Sandy Garver with

Northeast Pantry Donations - August 2024

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The next food collection for the pantry will be August 4.  Here are some suggestions: peanut butter, canned chicken and tuna, pasta, canned tomatoes, cereal, canned fruits & vegetables, canned beans, dried noodles, broth, and soup.  Please, be sure to check the expiration date and make sure your items have not been opened or partially used. The shopping cart is in the Connection Café. 

Let's fill the cart on August 4! 

Posted by Nancy King with

Thank you Church!! (from the PR/Evangelism Committee)

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The PR/Evangelism Committee would like to take the time to thank Central Christian Church for a successful picnic. We could not have done this without all of the wonderful volunteers who gave of their time and talents! The Praise Band once again amazed all with their music. Kathleen had the place sparkling with her glitter art. The bounce houses were full of laughter, and the lines were long for the delicious snow cones!

Because of you, we were able to serve food for over 300 people and make an impact on our neighborhood.

Thank you,

- The PR/Evangelism committee


Posted by Gerri Munos with

Construction of a Disciple Sermon Series for July

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My dad designed and built our houses. A well-built foundation is below the structure/ house. It is the load bearing part of the structure.  It supports the weight and keeps the house in place. A foundation acts as an anchor between the house’s frame and the ground. A well-built foundation also helps insulate the house, keeps the house level, and protects the house from moisture. 


Daddy and Mama built our family as a team, unusual for their era. We children learned much from them.  Their models formed a solid foundation for us as    individuals and prepared us for all the subsequent relationships in our lives.    Going to church was part of our family context also. Mama was our first spiritual formation teacher. All of us often discussed the sermons at Sunday dinner. We children enjoyed VBS events and also special devotions during Advent and Lent. God was in our everyday conversations as well as addressed in our prayers.


From God’s Holy Word in the next three weeks, I will be sharing some of the key verses of my personal faith story. These  have formed the foundation of my life as a child of God and disciple. Constructing a strong structure takes time and may even incorporate re-modeling. I hope this metaphor works well for you in your learning as a disciple/Disciple. 


I want you to be thinking about the influential or guiding verses that have helped you in your life. Be ready to know two or three!  The church will provide an    interactive display activity soon. 


What a joy to be alongside you, Central CC, as together we seek to grow in faith, love, and service!

Rev. Melinda


July 7       Living Wisely             Melinda McDonald

July 14     Neon Lights                Melinda McDonald

July 21     Through the Fog          Melinda McDonald 

July 28     You Might Be Surprised     Vicky Woolridge    


Posted by Melinda McDonald with