
Making the Visitor and Bulletin Accessible

Do you know someone who has visual impairment who might enjoy the Visitor or our bulletin? We may be able to help! We can send out an email with plain text of the Visitor and bulletin to them. Have them contact the office at 217-428-4336 or email .

Posted by Kathleen Dudley with

Nursery Workers and Volunteers Needed!

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We currently have openings for two nursery staff members and for two volunteers to help out in the nursery area.  If you love working with young children and feel you have a calling to help impact these little one’s for Christ, please reach out to Pastor Vicky!  She’d love to speak with you about the program and how you might best help the team!


Posted by Vicky Woolridge with

Drivers Wanted

With the onset of the Covid pandemic, we naturally suspended our program of offering rides to Sunday worship. But two years later, we have people who would like to come to worship but are unable to do so due to age, health, and/or some combination of the two.  If you are willing to be a volunteer who brings someone to and from worship (on either a regular or periodic basis), we would love to know who you are.  Please contact the church office and let us know.  You would need only to:

  • Tell us which service you prefer to attend, and we would match you up with someone who would like to attend that service.
  • Provide us a copy of your driver’s license and proof of personal auto insurance.

Many thanks for considering.  The people who want to come to worship but are unable to, really want to come, and this will no doubt be a blessing to them.

Posted by Michael Karunas with