
How to use Central's text number to give or sign up for events

How to “Text to Give” vs. Texting for Forms/Registrations/Event Sign Ups/Etc.

Hi everyone!

I’ve had some questions about using our text number service, so I thought I’d do a quick “how to” for some  clarification.

-Kathleen :)


Our Text Number for

Giving and Forms:



“Text to Give”

The First Time– Text GIVE to the number above– only GIVE (all caps)! You will then receive a link where you can set up your online giving  account (or sign in with your text number, if you’ve already set up an online account). You can then tell it what you want to give and when.

Every time after that– You can text GIVE XX (where XX is the amount of money you wish to give). No need to set up the account again.


Receiving a Form via Text/Event

Sign-Ups/Prayer Requests/Visitor Forms/Etc.

Look for the word promoted for the event or form.  For example, our prayer request form’s word is PRAY. The Visitor form’s word is VISITOR. (These words are case-sensitive, and we try to choose words with all caps.)  Text only the word we promote for the event or form (nothing else!) to our text number above. When you send this word to the text number, it sends you a link to the form for the event/ prayer request/ registration/etc., where you can fill in the information needed. If you text any additional words, the system gets confused and it will send you the Giving form instead.


Hope this helps! Have a great week!

-Kathleen :)

Posted by Kathleen Dudley with

Reminder: Hospitalizations

When you enter any hospital, please phone the church so that ministers and elders can pray for you and visit you.  Regulations to protect your privacy as a patient prohibit hospitals from notifying your pastors as they previously did.  For the hospital to release this information requires your specific permission, and often your permission is never even requested, especially if you enter the hospital through the Emergency Room.  Any time you are in the hospital more than forty-eight hours and no one from Central has been in contact with you, you may be sure that the church does not know you are hospitalized.  Help us provide good pastoral care!


Posted by Kathleen Dudley with
