
Showing items filed under “Good News!”

Hello from Melinda!

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 Hello, Friends!

A year ago, I had no idea that I would be here – at Central – getting to serve God alongside you all (note I say you all, not y’all even though I hail from the South. I had no idea that my dream ministry position would ever come my way – to be an associate pastor for spiritual formation and pastoral care.


But what I did know, then and now… God calls us to new life in Christ – every day, not just in one season, but for all the seasons of our lives. The question is: will we be open and respond to that new life?


I am impressed with how God’s Spirit has shown up in my life, time and time again. The fact that I am getting to be with you, beginning in the Easter season, the season of New Life, is fitting for all of us.


Jesus has called us friends… from John 15:15, we hear, 15 I do not call you    servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is  doing, but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.


I love people, I love sharing good things with people, and I love nurturing others. And, once you are in my heart, it is for always. I hope you will consider me your friend!

                           - Rev. Melinda

Posted by Melinda McDonald with